Friday, June 26, 2009

See the different

How do you want to snap macro? buy expensive macro lens? you not to do so. with tight budget, are you sure want to leave your hobby to snap macro? i don't want to explain how. just tell you what part/item i use. Of cause, with low budget, you can't have a high quality image.

1. Canon EOS 450D body.
2. EF50mm f/1.8 II.
3. Close-up filter +4 (Hoya).
4. Extension tube (EF) - cap ayam je.
5. Speedlite 430ex II.

This Picture using;
1. Canon EOS 450D body.
2. EF50mm f/1.8 II.
3. Speedlite 430ex II.

This picture using;
1. Canon EOS 450D body.
2. EF50mm f/1.8 II.
3. Close-up filter +4 (Hoya).
4. speedlite 430ex II.

This picture using;
1. Canon EOS 450D body.
2. EF50mm f/1.8 II.
3. Extension tube (EF).
4. Speedlite 430ex II.

This Picture using;
1. Canon EOS 450D body.
2. EF50mm f/1.8 II.
3. Close-up filter +4 (Hoya).
4. Extension tube (EF).
5. Speedlite 430ex II.